My baby is adorable and sweet but why do I want to kiss her ALL the time?
As I become more established as a new mom, I’m learning that the bond between parent and child is a truly unique and deep one. As soon as I met my daughter, I thought she was the most amazing little person on the planet, but that was just the...
I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t tired but should I drink that coffee? How bad is caffeine for my baby after all?
I remember when I told my parents I was pregnant, my husband and I were over at their house for lunch. After the initial congratulations my dad got up to make everyone coffee; he pointed around the table “Do you want coffee? How about you?” he asked each of...
Good bacteria for my baby?? The prebiotic properties of breastmilk
When I first started breastfeeding, I remember being worried about any contamination of my milk before it got to my baby, whether because of the breast pump not being perfectly clean or simply from the breast itself – I mean, my skin isn’t sterile, so I assumed it could...
Not that I have loads of time to spend on superfluous activities, but this project seems like a good investment
Over the course of my pregnancy and in these first months of being a new mom, I found myself constantly searching for answers to a seemingly endless list of questions. Between google searches and diaper changes, I would usually get to some moderately satisfying answer to my question but...