Not that I have loads of time to spend on superfluous activities, but this project seems like a good investment

Over the course of my pregnancy and in these first months of being a new mom, I found myself constantly searching for answers to a seemingly endless list of questions. Between google searches and diaper changes, I would usually get to some moderately satisfying answer to my question but often was left wondering about the why and underlying mechanisms. While some wonderful website or book might exist out there, I haven’t found it yet, so I’m making it for myself. Plus, I’m a firm believer that the one who does the work, also does the learning.

So the tl;dr of this first post is: I’m hoping this investment of time will help me deepen my understanding of pregnancy, birth, and babies in general. I’m also hoping someone else besides me will find this an interesting and/or useful place to spend a couple minutes of their time. Feel free to leave a comment or reach out to me; I’ll do my best to respond in regular human time and not new-mom-with-a-baby-time.